24g biocube rebuild

superglue wont always work with mushrooms. If you get a small tupperware container, and put a small piece of live rock in it, then put the mushroom in there with it, the mushroom should attach itself to the rock on its own.

^ This. If it keeps floating away, you can use a rubberband to secure a piece of mesh fabric over the top of the container.
They're easy, same as frogspawn or hammer. Just give them moderate light and flow. They don't need to be fed but, if they put out their feeding polyps you can give it some brine or mysis. Make sure to keep it away from other corals though, at night it can extend its polyps several inches and sting other corals
need help again guys i bought some watermelon zoas they did great for two days end of the second day light went out they closed aint opened since, just barely enough to see that they are green thats it. WHAT DO I DO??????
Where did you place them, and under what conditions (flow, light)
Leave them alone. They sometimes will close up like that after moving to a new home. Keep an eye on em. if they start melting or dieing off try moving them around the tank.
If it was me I'd move them onto the sand, let them be for a few days, then move them up a bit. What light were they under when you bought them? If they were under T5's they may just be light stressed and need to be moved down to acclimate to your MH lighting.
You can freshwater dip them for 5-10 minutes.You will need to set the temperature and the pH to the same as the display.If you are using tapwater then a dechlorinator is needed.Check the tub of water for any dead nudibranches,sundial snails and check the zoas for possible white eggsacks.
they were under MHs 3 150 watt pendants im gonna try the fresh dip i think cause i havent moved them since they went in just heat up my fresh ro i use for top off
I dont think I would try the regular iodine on corals.
I'd try moving them down to.Even with the store burning the same bulbs,they are probably a different K rating,could be older OR newer.