Well the tank has been up and running for a week now and last night I got my return pump. Today i went ahead and finished the plumbing since I had the return now. Well epic fail. Everything was good all plumbing finished I had put the sump/ fuge in the stand before i filled the tank no way to do it later. placed all sand and rock in fuge and started filling. i began to hear a funny noise water running. I ran over to find the sump leaking everywhere. So now My dt is half empty water is in 2 containers in the kitchen and we were able to move the tank away from the wall snd remove the sump from the stand. The sump was used but they said no leaks. well lesson learned. ALWAYS CHECK YOURSELF:frustrat:. I traded some stuff for a different sump so im off to the HD to get some blukhead caps and check if this one leaks. Hopefuly all is good and my tank and sump/fuge will be back up and running late tonight