10 watt leds?

Help with wiring. And that white box you see in the picture above is a Mean Well Driver. (power supply)
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so whats with the resistors? do i need these if i am running them all on meanwell drivers? and what about the fuses? do i need to have them wired in as well?just wondering since everything a read does not indicate the need for these,i am going with the meanwell constant driver at .7A or 700ma
ok so this doesnt have any resistors or fuses right?

just checking lol the pics look simple enough,now what gauge wire will work best,ive read 18ga am i right?
and as far as lenses go do i really need them with the 3 watters on an 17 inch deep tank? they run about 120deg and i will have 45 to 50 leds on this setup
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you really should use the Lenses, 120 deg would have the light all over the place. you might try the 60-80 deg if anything. But try them first to see if you like them, the lenses don't really cost all that much. I believe you can buy them in the 50peices range. I'd use 12-14 guage myself, but thats just me.
18 or 16 gauge wire will be plenty. If you didnt know already, the size of the wire goes down as the gauge goes up.

You are running it at .7 amps. 14 is rated for 15 amps... twenty times what you are drawing through the wire. IMO, 12 gauge wire would be too large to solder onto the LEDs, would be harder to work with, and would be way over kill. If it were me doing this build, I would probably use 14 gauge since I have that laying around.

The fuse is just a means of circuit protection. If you decide to put one in, I would think that a 1 amp fuse would be adequate.
Oh and also, the resistor in the first couple pics is a current limiting resistor. It is basically there to get the current going though the system down to 700 mA. You would not need it since you have the meanwell drivers that supply a constant current of 700 mA. It does that by varying the voltage supplied based on the number of LEDs you put in there.
well i dont have but a couple corals in the tank right now so i am not to worried about the lenses yet,i can add them later right? i guess ill use 16ga wire then and add a fuse if its feasable to wire in without to much trouble,i have some zoanthids ordered so nothing really light loving,can i use a 30w soldering iron or do i need something with more power?
ok well then the fuse is a go,now i really cant wait to get my drivers,i am going to hook up the blues first till i get my other 2 dimable drivers from rapid led next week i hope,i will wire the whites up so the only thing i will have to do is wire in the drivers
ill post pictures as soon as i start the build and keep everyone updated as things progress