Why's my anemone crumpled


Reefing newb
Got my anemone yesterday and some to find it folded


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It may take it a few days to get acclimated to your tank. It is amazing how big they can get and how small they can shrink. Mine always shrunk up at night.
It is pretty stressful on the anemone when introducing it to your tank. Give it some time to adjust, don't try to feed it and don't mess with it (unless it puts itself in harms way).
I just added a BTA to my tank and it decided to climb into my rock. Has been in there 11 days now, I hope it comes out soon.
That is typical behavior of BTA's. They like to plant their foot in a crevice in the rock work and stretch out toward the light when they need it. You want to light acclimate the anemones as you do coral especially if you have really intense lighting.
Mine did the exact same thing. I thought it had split for a while because it was coming out two different holes.
Not to hijack a thread, but I've added an anemone this weekend and it hasn't really opened much either. Its also got a bunch of stringy stuff coming out of the mouth. Is behavior of regurgitating its insides also normal upon the first introduction to the tank?
Not to hijack a thread, but I've added an anemone this weekend and it hasn't really opened much either. Its also got a bunch of stringy stuff coming out of the mouth. Is behavior of regurgitating its insides also normal upon the first introduction to the tank?
What kind of anemone is it?
Yes, generally after shipment or transfer from the lfs to your tank they tend to expel and expand trying to flush their system out. The stringy stuff could be zooxanthellae it is expelling from the stress. I wouldn't be alarmed unless it kept doing it.