Glass baffles


Reefing newb
A local glass shop is charging 7.50ea for glass baffles. Is that expensive? Cheap? Do you know where to get them cheaper?

How many baffles are you doing? I always use plexiglass as it is pretty cheap and works well. You can get the HD or Lowes guy/gal to cut it to size if you don't have the tools to do it.
I'm doing 6 baffles. Overflow/ bubble trap/ refugium/ bubble trap/ return. My tank is 30x12x12. I was going to cut the baffles 9.5in x 11.75in. X .25in
Some Home Depots and lowes will cut glass also, ace hardware or true value will be better priced that a glass shop until you get thicker that 1/4". Personally when using glass I wouldn't go with less than 1/4" glass.
Some Home Depots and lowes will cut glass also, ace hardware or true value will be better priced that a glass shop until you get thicker that 1/4". Personally when using glass I wouldn't go with less than 1/4" glass.
I didn't realize those stores cut glass?! I'll have to call the ones near me and see. Thanks
I attached a pic of my plans for my sump/refugium. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.


  • image.webp
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Looks very thought out:thumbsup: If it was me (which it isn't) I would flip it and give myself more room in the skimmer/discharge chamber in case you ever have the need to get more skimmer with a bigger footprint. Just a thought.
I'll keep that in mind salt_for_brains I haven't got my skimmer yet. Or baffles for that matter so it's always subject to change!
one more thing i see if you look at mine you see baffle #3 is rally short because i found it makes les turbulence in the refugium section and make baffle #4 shorter then #1 witch will give better flow
sump 2.webp
Here is a suggestion, I have not found any need for a refugium at all. I had all the stupid micro algae sand and more lights hanging and got nothing out of it. When I pulled it, I installed a larger protein skimmer. The skimmer can pull the excess nutrients 300 times quicker than what the micro algae can absorb it. After pulling it with running lights on separate time than my dt, my ph swing is identical.
Here is a suggestion, I have not found any need for a refugium at all. I had all the stupid micro algae sand and more lights hanging and got nothing out of it. When I pulled it, I installed a larger protein skimmer. The skimmer can pull the excess nutrients 300 times quicker than what the micro algae can absorb it. After pulling it with running lights on separate time than my dt, my ph swing is identical.
i wont argue that point but some it helps and some it doesnt its where in this hobby what works for one may or may not work for another