Tap Water experiment


Northern Reefer
So I am doing a 10G Nano tank but instead of using my RODI, I am going to see what happens when I do it with tap water

I don't even know if I will put livestock in there but right now I have some live sand and dry rock with a piece of shrimp, its been running for 2 days

Equipment: My 24' reefbreeders LED (only light I have remotely small enough, 425G PH, heater, Tunze Nano ATO and a reefkeeper

anyone interested in following??? if so I will add pictures every couple days, didn't really want to make a new showcase so I put it in here


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Sounds interesting. How high are you running the lights? I can't see them needing more than 40% on a 10g.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict algae problems with the tap water. ;)
question are on city water or well water? there are some people on here that use tap water in there saltwater tanks. i use to use tap water in mine but i am well water and tested it for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates all tested 0 the only thing (if it was me) is test for copper. other then that im going to say it will do fine
it is city water and I only have the lights at like 10%...I will test for copper, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates tomorrow and give you a reading
I started off running tap water, I get Chicago water supply. I ran into nothing but algae problems and death of corals. It has about a 124 ppm TDS reading.
my tap water tds is about 85 ppm another test if you can is phosphates. bjohanson have you ever tested your tap water for copper?
then I will put livestock in it...I am just curious to see what issues I have, I have had algae issues with RO water so overall I am interested in the quality of water

I will do a damsel or clown and then maybe some softies

I have no idea what the TDS is of my tapwater
I tested ammonia, nitrite, nitrate today and did get a little spike in ammonia...maybe around .50 ppm so things are going as planned so far

I tested the tap water for phosphates and the test kit is reading zero which is incredible...I also tested the tank water and it read 0 along with my 75G that runs on RODI

I tested ammonia, nitrite, nitrate today and did get a little spike in ammonia...maybe around .50 ppm so things are going as planned so far

I tested the tap water for phosphates and the test kit is reading zero which is incredible...I also tested the tank water and it read 0 along with my 75G that runs on RODI

What about copper? Do you have a test for it?
I don't have one but will be picking one up this week...I will prob test Copper tomorrow

I just tested tap water nitrate levels as well and they are reading 0??? maybe I have some crazy clean tap water lol
I honestly did not think it was that clean, I was expecting a slight reading in both...watch it will have copper and ruin everything haha

I did research the city water logs and they have tested for copper every year with 0 readings, but they don't test households just the main supply