Galaxia coral help


Reefing newb
Need some help with this galaxia. Have had it for a week and a half and doesn't seem to be doing well. Ph is 8 and nitrate nitrite and ammonia is 0

Any ideas?


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It's open just doesn't have full extension. Mine did better in low flow, in high flow the tissue began to tear.
Have you tried feeding it?
It looks about the same. I moved it up a little higher to be closer to the lights. I cant figure out what "medium flow" means. I sorta new to this hobby. Any ideas?
Medium flow would be a steady movement back and forth of the coral by the water current.
Heavy flow is when the coral is being pushed in the direction of the current.
Low flow is when you see little to no movement by the coral
Yes, it does. I dont know if its lighting or flow. The store I purchased the coral at uses a Radion XR 30W led and I am using a 14k LED light. Not sure if Its not enought lighting? Anyone with lighting feedback?
Apparently they prefer medium flow, but strong lighting. I see in the picture that the coral looks like is under a shadow, at least most part of it. Maybe it's just the picture. I would try to put it in medium high in your tank. And I think 14k is fine for lighting. Also, it could be that it needs time to adjust better to your lights, some corals take time.
I did have it in that position but I moved it to a higher place in the tank. Its more in the middle so it can get more light. Just worry that it will not recover. Not too sure what I am doing wrong. I have a green star polyp that is just fine
So here's some updated pics. Not good at all. I'm really confused. Too much light, or not enough light?


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