long tenacle anemone advice.


something smells fishy
So I bought a LTA about a week ago and placed it on one of my rocks so it could get its bearings and attach and move where ever it may please. My problem is now that he's moved off of the rocks and onto the sand, he wont plant himself and just rolls around the tank. I have since trapped him in a sort in the corner of the tank where flow is low in hopes he will get his footing and quit rolling about. And by trapped it mean made a bowl with rocks for him to set upright in.

I was going to let him be and find his way, but my emperor and file fish kept nipping at his foot which we all know is not good at all. So that's why I have housed him in the corner. The foot didn't look torn to the best of my knowledge.

Any advice on this thing would be great.
LTAs are not rock-dwelling anemones so that might be part of your issue.

What are you water params and how did you acclimate?
I know they're not rock dwellers but I thought it would help him get a grip and move to where he was happy. no matter where I put him trap him he always seems to float out of that spot. I want my power heads on so he knows what the movement is but he keeps trying to find what its like to get sucked into one, which he just did as I was typing this. let me test my prams again.
prams are PH 8.2 amm.0 nitrite0 trates10ppm temp 81.3 salinity is 1.023
I acclimated him by floating for about 20min. then placed him in a bucket and dripped until my water matched what was in the bucket. It was already close to the LFS params. so about 30 to 45min. sometimes it takes longer depending on where I buy from. about 10 drops a second
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also might add that its just floating in there right now. will it eventually land and take hold?
Your nitrates are a bit high for a nem. 0 is a must. You didnt post phosphates, so im guess they are there too and trates and phates go hand in hand. Keep up on w/c's and youll see improvements
Dig a small hole in the sand in the area you would like it to hopefully stay put. Cut off all your powerheads, and place the foot in the hole you made. Give it some time to attach. Push the sand back around the foot. Then slowly one by one start turning your powerheads back on keeping a watchful eye to make sure it's attached. Sometimes they need a little help and it floating around in your tank calls for some intervention on your part.
I did about a 30 gal change last night need to check prams today. My damn angel and file fish keep trying to get to his foot. I keep boxing the nem in to try to protect it. So I just got home and and did a check on my nitrate. Looks like they went down quite a bit.


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Hard to tell what its at, but its not as high as it was. I sucked out a bunch of sand that had some growth on it. A guy a the lfs said that sugar fine sand is a nitrate factory. Its by no means a deep sand bed and every time a buy snail's they flip over and die so my cuc is next to nothing. I feed once a day sometimes every other day.


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Hard to tell what its at, but its not as high as it was. I sucked out a bunch of sand that had some growth on it. A guy a the lfs said that sugar fine sand is a nitrate factory. Its by no means a deep sand bed and every time a buy snail's they flip over and die so my cuc is next to nothing. I feed once a day sometimes every other day.
I believe your nitrates are very near to zero.
tested again today and it was even more yellow. ive been sucking out the growth on my sand everytime I see it start to grow and I also did a 5g water change out this evening. I also noticed that the LTA is really big tonight. im still leary of moving him from the rock home I made for him for fear of it not planting and getting sucked into a power head. I still think it's floating where it sets at.
So I returned the anemone last night. I got tired of having to watch him so closely to make sure he was doing fine. I didn't realize those things liked the sand bed and mine just wasn't deep enough and my stupid angel would keep pecking at his foot. Only lost 5 bucks on the return and gained a 5" engineer goby that I'm wondering if he's going to work out or just eat my smaller fish.