Came home to a murder!

For the record, you are absolutely at your stocking limit right now.

Quite frankly, you're over. Keep an eye on the new guys and if anyone starts showing signs of stress, bring it back to the store.
For the record, you are absolutely at your stocking limit right now.

Quite frankly, you're over. Keep an eye on the new guys and if anyone starts showing signs of stress, bring it back to the store.

Yes! I am so glad you said that, I'm very worried on that. Just because of how big the angel was when I got it in there. And it made me realize the clown is just over 2 inches. Grew a whole lot while I've had it. And the diamond goby is bigger than I thought. But I feel like since two fish bigger than the clown have entered the tank everything has calm down. Meaning I feel the stress levels have gone down by a lot. Basically because the clown is not swimming all around, not chasing the pajama cardinal when in his way, and just hanging around the hammer. And its being oddly kind to the coral beauty, like closely rubbing fins and sides with it as well as being nicer to the goby. So idk why but I have this feeling like I found somewhat of a perfect balance in my tank for the first time.

But i agree. At absolute maximum stocking limit.

I am going to take the harlequin out and try and get some credit for maybe an acan(My new favorite coral) or a claim. Its about an inch or a little more long and very full and healthy. What should I expect to get as a trade in? Im just a little tired of it only eating chocolate star fish and not the what everyone else eats. (live brine, sperula, and spectrum flake.) Plus my girlfriend hates it because it eat the starfish alive. How do all you girl reefers feel about it? haha. :mrgreen:

But ill take some pics in the AM and show you the crew. As I hope it remains for a while or till everyone out grows the tank.

I have a 60 gal not set up which I hopefully will set up soon. When i learn enough about salt water tanks to take on that task. But its a dream. :bounce:
I wouldn't exactly consider sympathy towards being eaten alive a girly trait, but maybe that's just me.

Harlequins are obligate eaters. That means they only eat one thing. Which is starfish. And yes, it has to be alive.

If you're planning on more coral, take the star back, too. They eat coral.
I wouldn't exactly consider sympathy towards being eaten alive a girly trait, but maybe that's just me.

Harlequins are obligate eaters. That means they only eat one thing. Which is starfish. And yes, it has to be alive.

If you're planning on more coral, take the star back, too. They eat coral.

Haha, No i think its a trait most people have. Sympathy towards any living creature being eating alive, I mean I do. Just most girls who find out how harlequin eat end up not liking it anymore. But obviously you're not fazed by it. Just a question.

Yeah, Im just over buying it a starfish mainly. But I most definitely will be getting rid of the starfish too.

But how do you feel about the size thing? Does anyone look like they're under stress? Input please!


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The goby looks a little thin, but it's hard to tell stress from a few pics. It's usually when they breathe rapidly, show signs of disease or stop eating that we know they are stressed.
It will be hard to add anything after the Maroon Clown. I'm not surprised at the aggressiveness at all. The clown could have killed the cardinal before the crab got to it- or it could be a rogue emerald crab. Only way to know for sure is to keep your eye on things. I waited to put my clowns in my tank until I had evry other fish I wanted in there. They still killed two wrasse that were added before them. They are mean! And now I am afraid to put any more fish in the tank, so I have four fish in my 60 cube :P
The drip acclimating is a must for fish IMO. Here's a link to hopefully give you some tips. Acclimation Procedure for Aquatic Life: Welcoming Home New Arrivals
Good luck with everything. Sounds like you are learning quickly :)
I personally wouldn't put a dwarf angel in a 30 gallon tank. I know LA used to list them at that tank size and changed it somewhat recently to a larger size.
Yeah, I dont think I will in the future. But it seems to be thriving in there for what its worth, very active moves around a lot. Constantly cleaning rocks. But Im almost 100 percent positive the goby is dying. Since this morning he has been hanging out at the top of the tank as if it is having problems staying on the floor and is floating to the top. He was acclimated the same way as the angel. It has been eating with everyone else. Just hanging out at the top by the skimmer.
Maroon clowns can be a bit aggressive. Really the issue is territory. Fish will use natural landmarks like rock, coral, and even equipment like powerheads to establish boundaries for their own personal space. If the clown establishes most of the tank as its own territory, things may go wrong :s
Yeah, things went wrong. Goby is gone. no clue why. Was just dead when i woke up two mornings ago. Just going to stick with these two fish for now. They seem to get along really well.
Clicking usually means you might have a mantis in the tank. Mantis love to catch and eat fish. Google mantis on youtube ;)

But it could also have just died, and your cuc did their job of making a meal out of its remains. Or could be hiding. I had a firefish go MIA for 3 weeks...looked under rocks and everything, no sign. One day, out he came.