algae after light change


something smells fishy
I changed my light from old T12's to a coralife 250w. mh light and know I have a bloom of dark purple algae growing across my sand. and today I noticed a small patch that's a rusty color.
I used to have a 36" pc light over half of the tank and the T12 over the other half, but the pc light bulbs got to be a yr old and so I put the other T12 in its place. Both T12 lights im sure were old and not very bright so I don't think they were growing algae. The pc light was however growing stuff on sand just on that side of tank. Main lights are on from 10:30 to 5.
I do run a reef octopus 150 skimmer a small ball of chaeto I have 2 korlia power heads 150's I think don't remember at each end of tank. I don't really do water changes but add about a gallon of ro/di water every other day.
I think the water temp has increased do to the mh running which might cause the algae spike. I need a better cuc as most of my snails have died due to hermit crabs wanting the shells.
Algae was contained to one side of the tank until I moved the power head lower and it blew it across the tank.


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What are your nitrates and phosphates at? You have the 1050 Koralias? Two of those in a 125 doesn't seem like enough flow. I have two 1050's in my 60 cube. Increasing flow and removing nutrients is what will help algae blooms.
What are your nitrates and phosphates at?

The old lights might have been limiting the growth of algae despite having usable nitrates and phosphates.
Now that you have upgraded to hardware that produce a different quality light, the underlying algae and cyanobacteria are probably thriving.
never tested for phos nitrates are around 15ppm as of last week. I made the mistake of getting sugar fine sand when I set up my tank so even the slightest flow onto the sand stirs up the bed. yes they are 1050's. how much more flow do I need? How can you test for phosphates when they say if you have algae then you will get a false reading because they are using up the nutrients?
If you already did what Chichi and Rockstar told you. Then now you just have to wait to see the results. I believe that maybe your new lights were the cause of your algae bloom, but If you have a good skimmer and a good CUC you should be fine again soon.

I know algae blooms can be a pain in the neck, I have one myself. Good luck with yours hope it ends soon :).