Rusty 57's 100 gallon acrylic everything tank.


Reefing newb
Since I just joined the forums, I'll start my own tank forum to track its progress or lack there of. It's a 100 gallon Clear for Life acrylic tank. It is closed on top with two removable access panels. I have it on a wood stand with a wood canopy. I would like to build a platform to raise the tank about ten inches or so. I currently have a refugium with a protein skimmer and crush coral/sand media. I have plants in the refugium and a small clip on fan to help with evaporation. There are two return tubes and one power head for current. I have two Vega Sol led packs but will be buying a third soon. I have a pretty good RO DI water maker, so I can stop buying water. I have had some red algae issues and have treated the tank a couple times in the last three months. I believe it was due to the tap water I was using prior to the RO unit purchase a few days ago. I currently have a few fish and an anemone. I also have a couple small corals to start off. I would like to have a full reef set up someday. I started replacing the artificial coral inserts with base rock and live rock recently. I only have one more insert to replace. $$$$$ is the primary issue. Look forward to sharing experiences and learning from you guys.


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In my attempts to make this a family affair, here is the girls room and my son's room tank.


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Nice set up, and just so you know, Nems usually do better in systems that have been up for at least a year. So, I wish you good luck on it! Also, are those saltwater tanks in your kids rooms? If so, ditch the plastic things. They don't hold up very well in saltwater. Will cause problems down the road. For your tank, you need to get some clowns in there! Get some Snowflakes, or Black Ice! :)
The kids rooms have fresh water. Starting them off with something they can take care of. They know they have to top off and feed. I help them with the water changes and maintenance. As for my tank, It has only been set up for around four or five months. However, the fish and media were previously in my smaller tank. I basically transferred the substrate over to the refugium, added plants and filled the 100 gallon. I used to run a 30 gallon tall. The 30 gallon was up and running for a few years. As a matter of fact, most off the fish were there from the get go. I'm slowing down now and will add more live rock and fish/corals as the tank matures and $$$$ permits. Thanks for the suggestions and comments. I have two clowns now, will adding more create a problem with males? Thanks again.
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I was responding to the previous post about needing to get some clowns. I already have a pair, so I guess we're good.
Okay good :)! Love clowns haha. And yeah, if you ever wanted to have multiple clowns in a system, you'd need hundreds of gallons. Enough room for them to stay at opposite ends of the tank and not really interact, and even then, it's dicey at best. Either way, subscribed and looking forward to your continued success :)
Something is terribly wrong with the tank. The Cyano algae will not go away. I have treated it a few times already and changed 30 gallons once and 20 another. I'm starting to get the algae on the glass in just a few days if I don't keep up with it. Any suggestions? Thank you guys. I have an RO/DI unit, but it seems to have made things worse.
Do a 30pct water change, and then cut the lights off for three days. Also, cut your feedings down to about once a day, or even a little less. Should help.
I usually feed flake (Omega w/garlic) and do either brine or mysis a couple times a week. I think I got the algae under control. I change the water every week (15 to 20 gallons at least). I also added an additional power-head for added current.

I had an issue with my Aqua Euro 200 skimmer. The pump (impeller) is faulty and the place I purchased it from a few months ago will not help me out. So, I went almost a week without skimming. Tomorrow I'll do a water change. I got another skimmer today. I also bought another coral.

The water test show the water is good. I'm loving this hobby.
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If you do not already do so, I recommend it; rinse the frozen foods before you feed. I had a bad cyano outbreak and that was one thing I believe to have helped. I simply put the frozen cubes in the net and rinsed in the sink under warm water. It removes the smaller particles that fish do not eat; ones that feed algae and add waste to your water column. Also, you may want to cut your lights back an hour or two. My actinics come on at 11am and the whites come on at 1. Whites go off at 7 and actinics at 9. It used to be more but again I had a nasty cyano outbreak and this helped greatly. Corals and fish have not been effected. What Anthony is referring to is commonly known in the hobby as a "Blackout". It will help with the cyano but isnt a guaranteed cure and In my opinion, would only be a last resort option as it may add stress to your tank inhabitants. There are many other variables that can cause red algae issues so eliminating the small ones first is a good starting point.
It's been a while so I 'll do a quick update. I added an additional AI SOL led light. With 3 light modules, I'm getting much better coverage and the corals and fish seem to be loving it. I've purchased a few corals and have began to supplement calcium. I've done a minimum of 20 gal. water changes every week with my RO DI water. No more algae issues!!! I had to replace my skimmer due to a pump impeller failure. I've also added an additional 50 lbs. or more of live and base rock. Nothing artificial (plastic) in the tank anymore. I also added an additional power head but need one more, I have too many dead spots with no current movement. I'll post a picture or two soon.