

Reefing newb
These are in my dads tank. He likes them. I hate them. What are they and how do I get rid of them without him noticing?


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It looks like aiptasia. They are a pest and reproduce rapidly. You can use aiptasia X to kill them. They will sing corals, fish and inverts if they get too close.
print out the pic and tape it to the tank?? seriously though I don't know how you could get rid of that aptasia and not have him notice. aptasia-x is the way to erradicate.
Definitely not polyps. Explain to him that they can sting corals and fish and will easily over run a tank (As you're seeing right now). Causing problems in the long run. Also, you can introduce a file fish to the tank, or certain rabbit fish, or give peppermint shrimp a try. A file fish will have the tank cleaned out of it in no time, but, then you have to figure out what to try and feed it after it's all gone. Best of luck, kill it all!!