Shroom dead?


Reefing newb
I was breaking up my rock a few weeks age, and despite my best efforts to keep the crack away from my hitch hiking shroom, it literally cracked in the exact sopt that the base was. It tried to hold on for about 2 weeks, but today I came home from work and its completely shriveled up and dark. Now I literally just looked at it while I am typing this and it seems to have opened up a bit again. Does this mean that it is dead? The base is barely hanging on to the rock ( the majority of it is just floating freely). If it isnt dead, is there a way to safely move a small mushroom so that it will attach again? I would really like to keep it if possible, but will definitely get rid of it if need be. Also, if it is dead, what is the best way to remove it, and do i need to worry about any toxins? Clownfish, green clown goby, peppermint shrimp, and the CUC are all doing fine. Also the CUC hasnt touched it as far as I can tell. Would they start cleaning it up if it were dead? Sorry for the long post, but I wasnt expecting to deal with coral on my first tank so I'm not as knowledgable as I would like to be. Thanks ahead for any help!


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It's fine. Take it off if you want and use Super Glue GEL (READ: GEL!) (can be found at the dollar stores) and attach it. To do that, take the rock rubble (best, or plug) out and glue it, then dip it in a little salt water, or use a clean medicine dropper/cup and drip some on the glue. That will instantly cure it and it's safe for our reef aquariums.
Mushrooms are pretty slimy and unless they are attached to a little rock, probably will not stick in the glue. I try to let mine attach naturally. Some people like to put them in a little plastic cup with some rubble and they will eventually attach to something that you can then glue to your rock work. Good luck!