SPS ID Please and New Bubble Coral !!!


Go Big Or Go Home !
So i Picked up a couple corals, Nice and big also think i got good prices.

Both these Pictures are under just the white LEDS and full spectrum. I have to take them with the blues of because it looks way to purple and radiated. I Did post the SPS witht the blues on so you can see it glows and maybe be able to tell better what it it.

Bubble.It glows green but you can really tell with just the whites on.


Here is The SPS I dont think its a green birdsnest because it looks diffrent from my other one.



got them both for 95$ what do you guys think.

Both are over a fist in size.
the growth pattern doesn't look like a green birdsnest but it may be due to the fact this was a mother colonly that someone was selling clips from (i.e. you get these random re-growth formations).

The birdsnest corals (Seriatopora guttatus) have a very distinct polyp formation - that should be a big clue. I can't make it out from your picture.

i have a small frag of this i just bought - you can see the polyps on clusters on it. The polyp cluster should be much more prominent - mine's a 1 inch frag.

ORA has a listing of different Seriatopora sp. - you can compare it.

Aquacultured Seriatopora | ORA | Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums


  • IMG_4824GreenBirdsnest.jpg
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I really dont think its a birdsnest but i could be wrong. It looks difrent from my other small green birdsnest. In this one the hole thing glows. And my birdsnest just tje hairs glow. Im not 100% do that why im on here asking.
There are three distinct growth patterns in Birdsnest corals...one is very sharp and pointed (like the Ponape), another is pointed but not as sharp and the third is absolutely rounded (think Birds of Paradise).

That definitely looks like a BN to me...
I was looking around and to be honest i think it could be a birdsnest now. Jusy a difrent vereation. I think its and orange birdsnest with green hairs. Unlike my other one the skeleton is like a orange colore and akso glows. My other one only the hairs glow. But still not 100%.