55 Gallon, a new adventure!


Reef enthusiast
So, my tank recently ran it's cycle. Stocked up on some fish. Got a few Lbs of LR with a lotttt more being shipped as I type this (75Lbs should be here on weds). Can't wait to start on Corals soon!:D


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Me too! It's all dry rock I'm ordering though (I tried to get a massive amount for cheap). Also, once I save up a little money, I'm going to buy either a 20 gal or 30 gal tank to set up with a sump. Those bulky filters in the tank need to go. Also going to either paint the back blue/black at some point. Can't wait! :D
No lol, I recently added the shrimp and the fires. The rest I got slowly after the cycle ended lol. That's all that is being put in there as far as fish (for now).

One of the Chromis is sitting off in the corner and refusing too eat :\. Anything i can do too try and coax him into eating?
What are you feeding them? Some of my fish like some foods and reject others, so maybe you can try feeding them a different type of food.
Right now just Salt Flakes or whatever the name is 0_o. What would you suggest trying for them? I'm off tmrw and my LFS is open on Sunday, so I'll be taking a trip over there anyway to check out a couple new power heads, and see what he has along the lines of Sumps and tanks too set up a refug.
Well I mainly feed frozen mysis shrimp, which all of my fish eat. Some times I will feed rods food, which all my fish but one eat.
Thanks Barch, I bought like 60ish cubes of Mysis. And my local LFS got highly offended that I ordered 75lbs of dry rock online instead of asking him. Turns out he can get it for me at about 1.69$ a Lbs. So, got another 20lbs coming! Also picked up two Zebra Hermit Crabs. And picked up two Aqueon Circulation Pumps (500) for a little water circulation :).

Rocks will be here on weds/thurs, any good ideas on how I should set them up in my tank? Left side? Right side? Middle? Any opinions appreciated! Pics of Zebra Hermits coming soon, gota find the lil buggers haha first :mrgreen:
So, I sat and wrote out a tally of how much I spent in the last two months...and I'm at about roughly 1200$. Holy crap. I'll be taking it easy on spending for a little bit. Fortunately, I got all the rocks i want ordered already lol. Next item to save up for is much better lights then the shitty LEDs that came with the tank when i bought it. (Although, not sure if these are sufficient enough for now, opinions welcome [and appreciated]). Updated pics once rocks arrive! :mrgreen:
Update, one of my green chromis died. Couldn't get him to eat, tried flakes, dry food, live food and he just wouldn't eat. RIP Greeny. Also, dunno how it happened, but i got home from work today and my tank was at 90 degrees. Almost crapped my pants. Did a 10pct water change with some pre-made water I had and it dropped it down about 8 degrees. Got both the lids open and a window open with a fan on it. Talk about a scary thing.
Couple more


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I think it was a mistake of lower the temp so fast. Lowering the temp can stress out the fish a lot. And, 8 degrees is a big drop.

(Love the pic with the serphent starfish:mrgreen::mrgreen:)
Thanks Smitty, Also got a new Goby, not sure of the name of it yet, pics coming soon! 95lbs of rocks here tmrw afternoon :D

And I'm pretty sure the Chromis had died long before the temp spike. Although I can't say for certain, I was working.