

Reefing newb
Hey Everyone! Every day I look into my tank and find something new, either just going on or something new in there that I haven't noticed before. The place where we got some of the live rock had baby starfish in the tank. I was really hoping and my fingers were crossed that we would get some of those baby starfish in our live rock.
Today as I was examining our tank, I found one. I've attached a picture of the starfish. I was just wondering if anyone knows what kind of starfish this is. Thanks so much!


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I'm having trouble seeing a starfish in that picture. Can you circle the place you are talking about? If its the black area in the middle, that looks more like a nudibranch to me than a starfish. All of the tiny starfish I'm familiar with (asternia stars - 4 legs - and micro brittlestars - 6 legs) are usually light in color and look different than that.
It looks like spongebob square pant's shadow:mrgreen: That's the best I got right now:D Have you seen it move? Do the legs move or does it kind of glide?
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All of the asternia's I've seen have 3-4 legs. I still think its a nudibranch. Hopefully Biff will see this thread and chime in!
I'm hesitant to call it an asterina, although it may well be. Asterinas can have any number of legs. But I've not seen one with those bulb-like things on the end of their legs.
Upon further inspection after getting home and looking at my asterina stars it looks more like mine than I originally thought. I actually have more 6 legged than five and a bunch of piece mill stars.