Is he ok here?


Reefing newb
Is my Anemone ok right here?


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If your tank has just been started it is way to early for anemone. Young tanks are not yet stable enough as far as water parameters. What kind of lighting do you have? I am not trying to flame so please don't take it that way but I have a lot of experience with anemones.
Back to your question the anemone will move where it wants to be so it will be the indicator on whether or not it's ok.
No worries here!

The tank is about 1 month 1 week old. 0 ammonia nitrite and nitrate. i have 2 flourescent bulbs, T5s, an ultraviolet one and a normal one. i have fed it some frozen marine food.
I have heard tanks should be around a year old before adding a nem. I am sure there are people who have succeeded, but since they can kill everything in the tank when they get stressed and die I am not willing to risk it early. They are animals and deserve the best shot at a quality life so do some research and make sure you can provide the environment it needs and that you are willing to take the risk that adding a nem involves.

Good luck!
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+1 kylekaitmom.(thats a mouthful) Two t5 bulbs will not be enough light for a nem either. They need strong lighting.
We are here to help as I said earlier.
There are some really good LFS people out there and some really bad ones whether they are trying to make a buck or don't have a clue.
Anemones are difficult animals that need pristine water conditions that can only be given in a mature tank and in my opinion are the most light demanding of anything we put in our tanks. Researching before you buy is your best protection when purchasing any livestock.
Never buy livestock based on what the store says. Many will put the sale above what is best for your tank or the animal. Always research when something should be added to a tank, whether it is compatible with what is already in your tank and if it is compatible with the things you plan to add to your tank down the road.

I know it can seem that anemones and corals are more plant like than animal, but they are animals. Do not buy them unless you have done the research and KNOW you can meet their needs. Buying coral, nems, or even fish, for that matter, without knowing your tank is stable enough and your lighting is intense enough for that animal is no different than buying a puppy and not being able to care for it properly and watching it slowly die.
By no means am I faulting you, and I hope if you decide to keep the nem it does well in your tank. I am just trying to make you aware that you can't rely on a store that is out to make a sale to give you reliable advice. If anything get the opinions of this forum before making decisions. You may get several different opinions, but at least they will be honest and have the best interest of your tank at heart.
By the way it appears to have good color and seems nestled in for now. If you see the color fading turning whitish, mouth not closed tightly, moving around a lot, not staying attached as it should---- these are all signs of stress and should be monitored. Since your light isn't very strong I would feed it once or twice a week a very small piece of shrimp or fish. If it is hungry it should grab what you are offering quickly.
I have a 60 gallon and I have 4 par38's high quality ones not the cheapies. Mine have 12 led's on each bulb (6 white 4blue, and 2 red). I have been told by many of the experienced reefers in my area ( who have seen my tank) that I have excellent lighting to keep a nem. My son wants one so bad. My tank has been established for 5 years, but I just bought it and moved it in December and I still want to wait a while and make sure my numbers stay stable before taking the step of adding a nem.