Question about bubble tip anemone

Looks like you have a really good chance of bringing it back, I'd get yourself a soda bottle to keep the shrimp away when feeding and keep going
Well update in my situation. I called the pet shop and asked them if they were aware that they sold me a sick anemone. So the answer from them was that as a buyer I'm responsible for doing the research before buying anything and that they don't guarantee anything with the salt water tanks. What ever!! My bad I guess, anyways here is how she looks today.. Water chemistry is perfect. The only thing that worries me is that she moved to the side of the rock versus from being on top. What do you guys think. Keep or get rid of her, before anything bad happens? Thanks

OMG I totally hope you never go back to that LFS! Even though they have a point....I never buy anything that I haven't at least done basic research on, mainly because I can't afford to make mistakes in this expensive hobby LOL But still...that's an f'd up attitude for them to have!! I mean, they're an LFS who OBVIOUSLY doesn't care about their livestock, and don't care about the hobby nor about educating their customers even just a little bit. One of my favorite LFS's take time to educate me (but still, they've sold me equipment that I didn't necessarily need LOL but point is they take time to answer all my livestock questions and do care about their livestock). I would go to our vendor evaluation section, and write them a scathing review for the interwebs to see. At least you can prevent other unknowing hobbyists from making the same mistake.
Btw, I thought I'd say, even though you are in a bad situation with this anemone and you feel like you were lied to or ripped off by the store, you are doing something right because the anemone is still going strong. I want to say good job! You should be proud that you are giving this critter a chance at life - he is in good hands.
Well said Biff!

Just to add, anemones are difficult enough when healthy so the fact that you still have this one going strong says a lot about you. :claphands Keep in mind, that even though you were snookered by a crappy LFS you are gaining valuable experience that will do nothing but help you in this hobby.
Very well guys, thanks for you 2 cents, I will do everything possible to keep this creature alive, I will keep everybody updated. Check back in a few. You guys feed me the possitive attitude to keep her alive. Thanks again
Now I got another problem.. As you can see on the picture. He steals the poor anemone's food. Even though I feed him first.

What and how are you feeding it?

I switch between mysis shrimp and silversides. I give them cut up pieces, just make sure they arent too big otherwise they will spit em back up after a while. My CBS doesnt mess with it anymore and the anemones curl up fast once i put a piece in there tentacles.
About every other day while feeding fish i spray a dropper full of shrimp in it softly. It grabs hold to every little piece lol.

GL i hope it regains it color and thrives giving you many more anemones lol.
Mine has split twice over last 6 months.
I feed her shrimp once a day but Ill try to get silversides today, to see how she handles that. So far she is eating well. Thanks
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Smaller pieces are better for sure. An unhealthy nem needs all the energy it can store to recover from bleaching. Smaller pieces help reduce energy needed to digest.
UPTDATE!! The "Manager" of the LFS called me back an apologized about everything and sent me this link. He said the Nem he sold me was the normal color and as they grow the tips will get some color but they are truly white. Myth or Bust ??? :dunno:

White Sabae Anemone


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If it is a sabae then it should turn a tanish color when healthy. It is believed this species expels its zooxanthellae quickly after capture and that is why you always see these white ones at the LFS. There are also some cream colored sabae anemones found in shallower water but they are not transparent white. Hopefully it will color up for you.
my LFS wouldnt go through that trouble for me, that should speak to their character a little bit. (my LFS also wouldnt sell me bleached livestock but i can almost understand where they are coming from)
Yeah, but I told him that the receipt said Bubble tip not Sebae, and he said that sometimes they screw up on the labeling. Makes sense because few months back they sold me a coral banded shrimp and It was labeled as peppermint shrimp. Go figure.
:Cheers: Ive been following everybody's tips and she looks more healthy and getting some color. Thanks a lot for helping me out.