40 Gallon Build

I starting running my tank yesterday. I had this tank running running awhile ago, about 7 month i think, i used the same dry and live rock and I also added 10 pounds of live rock about 3 weeks ago to help seed the live rock. I got a high nitrate. I did not but anything in the water to help start the cycle. Can live rock start cycling your tank? or Could it have been something died in the rock?


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Live rock can start your cycle. Anytime the surface gets dry you will get some die off and that is sometimes enough to get you going.
Diatoms has been spreading all over my tank. All my levels are the same as they were 3 day should i see a change by now?


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It can take a month or so for them to go away as long as you dont give them more fuel that is...
Diatoms feed on silica mainly. Once the silica is gone so will the diatoms. There are always some silica in sand even silica free sand. Play sand is basically is just silica that is why we dont use it. If you use tap water you could be introducing silica as well. If you really want to get all in depth about it you can look here, is also a good source if you are having trouble sleeping...lol Diatoms