New Coral beauty


I know that I don't know
We just added a new Coral Beauty on Sunday. She is doing great now. The guy at the LFS said it shouldn't be a big deal with my kole tang, but perhaps my 6 line could be the problem. My kole, Dory went psycho attack fish. My son and husband freaking out. I got into tank in lightning speed and started moving around some rocks. (I read it on a post here. Thanks) then everything settled down.
During he day, yesterday everything was fine. When i turned out the lights, the chase began Dory chasing the coral beauty. I turned the moon light on and dimmed it. Things settled down i ended up leaving it on.

Is it normal for the attack at night? I know it isn't uncommon to have territory issues.


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Territorial disputes are normal with new additions.

You could also put a mirror up against the side of the tank. The tang will be more interested in himself (really the "other" kole) than the new fish.
+1 Erin, also watch your CB around some of your corals if you have any. They have been known to nip corals on occasion.
Thanks for the advice. I used the mirror and that worked well. I only needed to use it for a few hours then the Kole was fine. The CB can hold her own and now they follow each other around.