fragging devils hand leather

Nope, you just need a big enough piece taken out so that you can easily attach it to something.
Just get ready for some nasty chemical warfare because leathers get pissed when they get fragged.
Yeah just cut it anywhere mine even drops fingers sometimes and i find them attached to rocks on their own.

I just cut off a section and super glue gel it to a frag rock
I cut little pieces off and they did fine until they got blown off the rock- dont have a proper frag setup.

Didn't have any nasty chemicals in the water and I think the devil actually curled up a bit more- where as before it was kind of a flat palm with extended fingers. Now it looks better.

Here is a picture of mine before I did anything. I will try and snap a pic of it later


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It's hard to get softies to attach to rock with super glue (as they generally slime up and prevent the glue from "setting" on the coral itself).

Needle and thread is the way to go.
You just take some thread and thread it through part of the coral, then tie it around a rock. The coral will eventually attach to the rock, then you can snip the ends of the thread off.