overflow box


I hope Im using the right word here. Many threads ago I mentioned my intake "pipe" or the pipe that my water flows into. I have a tacky looking green netting over the pipe to keep my fish from going down it.

Anyway, can anyone suggest a way I can remove this pipe and attach a normal overflow box. You know the kind I see in my local fish stores where the box has teeth like barriers to keep the fish from going down?

Can I possibly buy a small box like that for a 60gal tank? Will you guys need a pic of my pipe I have now? Its so hideous looking,.
is this "green" thing the barrier or fish guard? I took mine out and replaced it with a piece of eggcrate. I think it looks better then the green thing.


  • overflow.JPG
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  • overflow 1.JPG
    overflow 1.JPG
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When you say "drilled" that means there is a hole drilled in the glass for some kind of aparatus to connect right?

I would like to have just a small box about 4" square with teeth on all three sides . But the pic you just sent is basicallly what Im looking for. I'll look on that link.
Thank You.