Anemone pic, question.


Reefing newb
Picked up an anemone from a friend taking down his tank and know nothing about it. It doesn't look any different then it has the last 3 months in its original tank. It never attached itself to anything, just rolled around in the same small area of the tank. It had a host of nemos in last tank. It's blown up a bit as I just did a 30% water change. Over all it seems fine. Just kind of curious what type it is and if there's anything someone with more knowledge might notice. Thanks!


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how old is your tank? The color looks ok but mine never 'rolled around' Have the tentacle come out? water parameters?
Anemones that are not happy will release their foot from where it is attached, try to find a new spot and reattach. It seems very odd that this one would never have attached to anything. What are your parameters and lighting?
Almost a year, 0-0-10, in the middle of daily water changes to reduce my nitrates and building a 10gallon nitrate reduction tank.
Had to toss the anemone, it turned inside out and started falling apart. Obviously it didn't take we'll to my tank like my other one has. Before my friend bought it three months ago it was at the lfs for a month just laying on its side, it never attached in the 4 months I've seen it. Interesting.
Before my friend bought it three months ago it was at the lfs for a month just laying on its side, it never attached in the 4 months I've seen it. Interesting.

^^ If that was the case then, this guy has been on its way out for a while now.
That's what I figured, still sad to see it not make it. Now time to tackle my nitrates which seem to be climbing since the upgrade tank.