live rock set up for reef tank


Reefing newb
I just finished building the stand for my new tank that is a 285 gallon see through tank. We knocked down a wall and the tank will be sitting in between the 2 rooms. I wanted to see if anyone had some suggestions on how to set up the rock. My goal is eventually have it full of coral. We have 2 ideas now first was have 3 seperate rock formations, or have it high on the 2 ends and come down towards the middle.

Thanks for the help
you're the artist. you'll be able to look in from both sides if i read that right? that being said, i personally might wanna pile it all in the middle almost the full length like an island leaving a sand bed all around it. but that's me. post some picks as it comes along. gl
To me arranging the live rock is the best part about setting up a tank. I have moved mine a half dozen times just to change the view or anytime I move the tank. I am actually about to move up from a 55 to a 75 and I am itching to do a new landscape!

I think of all my set ups the lagoon type was the best. I had the rocks come down and around into a open sand bed. My fish seemed to come out into the open more when it was like that. I plan to do this again on a larger scale in my new tank.

My only advice would be to make sure you are able to clean the glass in any area that you will see so give a couple inches and make sure you scraper will fit.
I did almost like a volcano shape on either side where I can see through from the back side. This way I can add corals all the way around and the fish can pretty much swim a figure 8 around the tank. In the center it's more of a stair step going up against the overflow.

+1 on making sure you leave room all the way around so you can clean all of the glass. My rock is also set up so that the fish can access all the cave areas from almost all sides of the stacks.


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While you do it think about good places to place coral at different levels for different flows and light powers. If you build in spots to set corals as you go you will be happy you did later.