My New Sebae Anemone


Reefing newb
4 days ago I got a sebae anemone, and last night my female A. percula clownfish started hosting it! I have been reading a lot about the difficulty of these anemones. My tank is fairly new, it's only about 3 months old now but so far everything I've put in my tank has been doing really well. I have been doing water changes every 1-2 weeks and I clean the filter often.

So my concern is that my sebae could get sick even though it looks like it's very happy right now. It's not tan like it seems like it should be, but it's got bright purple tips that are beautiful. Maybe I just want some affirmation that I am doing the right thing!! I love my new hobby and I don't want to mess it up! :sfish:


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Well adding a nem to a 3 month old tank really isn't, "doing the right thing" as nems can be very difficult to keep. However, if you have done your research and have good water parameters and excellent lighting after that time, you have nothing to worry about. Ideally, you should have 0 Nitrates or close to it, which if you have a filter can be extremely difficult. Good luck!
It looks healthy. Maybe a little white, but not bad. And it may darken up over time. It does require high amounts of light. What kind of lights do you have?
Well adding a nem to a 3 month old tank really isn't, "doing the right thing" as nems can be very difficult to keep. However, if you have done your research and have good water parameters and excellent lighting after that time, you have nothing to worry about. Ideally, you should have 0 Nitrates or close to it, which if you have a filter can be extremely difficult. Good luck!
I keep asking my pet store guy and he says as long as my shrooms have been happy and everything else is growing happy that I should be okay. And I only have a filter and polisher (I only use the polisher when doing water changes), heater, and a power head in there.
if the light isnt strong enough it will climb. I had a Sebae and it did great for a few weeks. Then climbed the glass and got stuck in my powerhead. :(

Read up and ask on here before adding things to your tank. You will get alot of great advise and you can go from there.

Please tell me you have a protein skimmer. That will get rid of exessive nutrients. Liverock and snails,crabs,shrimp,starfish will clean detritus and other garbage. A Queen Conch is a great add. Really cleans sand well.

A power filter when u change the filters inside will blow crap all over your tank and make your Nitrates spike. big time. Since i ditched mine i rarely have issues.

Your tank is not really mature enough yet for an anemone but i wish ya the best. And as for fishstore employees always remember they want to sell you as much as possible. Mine actually told me not to get rid of the filter "he never heard of that" but my tank has done 20 times better since ditching it. Liverock is the natural filter. Add a refugium if you want more control.

Things will die. You will possibly have red bubble algae issues and possibly red slime issues. Hair algae lol there are so many things that can happen. But it really is a good learning proccess that you know what to not do or neglect for the future. Its a great hobby and a lot of fun. but can get very expensive if you are not diligent.
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if the light isnt strong enough it will climb. I had a Sebae and it did great for a few weeks. Then climbed the glass and got stuck in my powerhead. :(

Read up and ask on here before adding things to your tank. You will get alot of great advise and you can go from there.

Please tell me you have a protein skimmer. That will get rid of exessive nutrients. Liverock and snails,crabs,shrimp,starfish will clean detritus and other garbage. A Queen Conch is a great add. Really cleans sand well.

A power filter when u change the filters inside will blow crap all over your tank and make your Nitrates spike. big time. Since i ditched mine i rarely have issues.

Your tank is not really mature enough yet for an anemone but i wish ya the best. And as for fishstore employees always remember they want to sell you as much as possible. Mine actually told me not to get rid of the filter "he never heard of that" but my tank has done 20 times better since ditching it. Liverock is the natural filter. Add a refugium if you want more control.

Things will die. You will possibly have red bubble algae issues and possibly red slime issues. Hair algae lol there are so many things that can happen. But it really is a good learning proccess that you know what to not do or neglect for the future. Its a great hobby and a lot of fun. but can get very expensive if you are not diligent.
I need a protein skimmer...I don't have space for a refugium i don't think. What would a good skimmer be for someone with limited space?
I need a protein skimmer...I don't have space for a refugium i don't think. What would a good skimmer be for someone with limited space?

i am currently using a Remora hang on protein skimmer with a maxi jet 1200 pump and drain fitting to fit a hose to a under the tank container just in case. I have not had one issue with it. Not to big and fits nicely on the back. A quiet hum comes from it with the occasional gurgle lol. easy to clean works well.
This is more important then a power filter. But make sure you have enough live rock before removing the filter. There is a formula for amount of rock/ tank size i forget atm.
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Shrooms need much less light then a nem. I would take that pet stores advice with a grain of salt, sadly some stores will tell you anything to make a buck :/
Shrooms need much less light then a nem. I would take that pet stores advice with a grain of salt, sadly some stores will tell you anything to make a buck :/
I trust my fish guy...he actually cares about the animals he sells and is really honest. Although I see where you are coming from.
You can care a lot about something and not know a thing about the proper care of them.

A single t8 bulb isn't going to enough for the nems or the shrooms actually. You will need to upgrade your lighting to a 6 bulb t5 fixture, or a quality metal halide or LED setup ASAP if you want to keep the nem healthy. Shrooms are very tough and can survive in low light conditions for a long time.

Reef octopus also makes a very nice HOB protein skimmer