These are green star polyps right?


Reefing newb
Just checking because they seem to be recessing and i need to know what im doing wrong i don't have a power head at the moment. They never seem to get bigger. I've had it for over a year now.


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i have had the same problem with what looks like the same type of gsp. i have 2 other types that seem fine, that one just doesnt grow well for me.
Those look like shorter versions of my clove polyps. Although I've never owned any, GSP looks more like short green spaghetti in most pics I've seen.

Regardless, if you don't have a powerhead in a 29g tank and the return is the only flow it's likely the reason you're having issues.
More info is needed: How long have they been retracting? You say you don't have a powerhead "at the moment?" How long have you not had any flow in the tank? What are your parameters and your stocking list? How often do you do water changes?
Mine will get ticked after the cleaner shrimp is on them and they'll retract for a few days.
powerhead broke a few months ago when we moved, i know this is the reason it has had no growth, i had to quit my full time construction job so money for me is extremely tough. so with the holidays coming up ill be able to get myself some nice toys for this tank. all the stock is outta my 55g i had set up since i moved to the 29 this stupid damsel has gotten so territorial that it slammed my flame to death b4 the move and then my clown i had for like 6 years. super upsetting my own fault tho.