not looking good :s


Reefing newb
so a customer came in today that i know and there tank unfortunetly sprung a leak, so they had to get rid of there coral they had a 15" toadstool that i guess they ripped off a rock (i guess it was to big to transport and just gave it to me, when i got home i drip acclimated it for an hour then put him in its spot, was looking ok for the first 2 days but today the top looks rough, any suggestions what i can do? i want this guy to make it but unfortunitly i dont want to risk the health of my corals with him fowling the water.

would appreciate someones opinion! thanks :D


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That is a acually very normal for leathers to do that when moved, and they also do it periodically as part of the growing process. Just give it time and it should turn around. However, the larger my leather got, the longer it took for it to start looking right again, just FYI.

But because it is so big I would run some carbon in the tank and keep up on your water changes because soft coral do release toxins as part of their natural defenses.
Hannah is right all the leather I have ever had did this then came back around. My toadstools the tops get kind of grainy if to blotchy not like a sunburn when its healed and starts to peal. For myself they stay like this for a bout 3-4 days then bloom like spring time flowers. So yes just a weeeee bit of time let it get settled in and hopefully its not to stressed out and crumbles on you.