Potters angel wont eat


Reefing newb
Just bought a potters angel and it is 1 and a half inches long. its kinda small but anytime i feed(mysis/kelp pellet/seaweed mix) it doesnt eat any of that. It just swims around picking at the rocks and glass. Will it survive? had it for a week and seems to be doing great


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Very, very hard angel to keep in captivity. I had one for about three years, and then almost overnight it went on a hunger strike and lost all of its color. When I originally got mine, it had been in a dealer tank for over 3 months before I took it home, so it had already gotten past the first few weeks in captivity, in which the majority of Potter's succumb to the stress of collection (or at least that is what is theorized). Even so, it took mine several weeks before it started eating regularly, but once it did, it ate anything I put in the tank, including nori for my tangs.

If you've only had it a week and its picking at the rocks, I wouldn't worry just yet. But I would also be trying different types of food as well. Several companies make a blend of frozen food specifically for butterfly's and angels - have you tried that?
no not yet north. i have a coral beauty and she is doing well but i will look into that any ideas right off hand? I make my own cubes really since dropping a whole cube of mysis into a tank with 4 fish is obserd. I thaw three cubes rinse with rodi water then divy 3 cubes into like 20 with a blend of other foods and refreeze.
You have a Coral Beauty and a Potters in the same tank? They look similar, have you seen any aggression between the two?

I love the Potters, it was the fish that brought me into the hobby. As i researched them and read about them after buying mine though, I came to the conclusion that they should probably be left in the ocean. As much as I miss mine, I do not think I will be replacing it

Like i said, I would get some of the frozen that is specifically for butterflys and dwarf angels
You can thaw a cube of food in some water, feed some of it, then put the leftovers in the fridge to use later. I'd highly recommend a food especially formulated for angels for that guy. They contain sponge and coral matter, which is believed to be essential to their diets.
yes i have two angels in one tank. they leave each other alone for now. more issues from the two percs than anything. anything new in the tank and the two percs are always following and such. I will look into specific food thanks. Before my tank crash I had a coral beauty,flame,and a bicolor angel in the same tank no probs. Never checked phosphates and boom tank exploded with hair algea. I could have taken a lawnmower to it lol. Now I understand reefing a little better and try to get the best care for my pets