Starfish help !!


Reefing newb
we just bought some new corals and this starfish came out of a rock the some corals were attached to. Any help please. Good, bad, or will it eat our coral? Smaller than a dime.


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That's an asterina starfish. They are very common hitch hikers. 99% of the time, they will just eat film algae off the rocks and glass and are harmless. But sometimes (especially if your tank doesn't have a lot of algae), they will eat corals. I had them in my tank for years and never had any issues with them. Then, all of a sudden, I caught them eating my zoas. It's up to you if you want to keep it or not!
Thank you for the response. Well, 16 coral in the tank and im not going to let 1 starfish destroy them. So if it was my decision the starfish would join the sanatation department :death:, but with being married and have 2 kids, that are really into the saltwater aquarium , tank #2 starts tonight!:bowdown:
I had a couple that hitched a ride into my tank. Now over a year later I have about a hundred. They don't bother anything, I look closely almost every night. Really I have about 100 legs in the tank. They keep splitting apart, I don't remember the last time I seen one with all it's legs.