Black & White Clownfish


Reefing newb
The new tank we are picking up soon has one black & white clownfish (in addition to all the red algae I mentioned in that other thread). There are some tangs who hang out together & a wrasser who hangs out alone & this guy hangs out alone. I know they are a little more aggressive than the orange ones. Should we get him a friend? Should the wrasser have a friend (I'm not sure what kind of wrasser...I need to check on that). I hate for anyone to be lonely!

I wouldn't suggest adding any other fish until well after the move and everything has settled down. And even then, another wrasse may not be compatible with the one you have.
I wouldn't suggest adding any other fish until well after the move and everything has settled down. And even then, another wrasse may not be compatible with the one you have.

Oh yeah...we're most definitely going to wait to add anything until everything is working beautifully & until the red algae is GONE (aren't I positive?). We're not going to move anything to a new tank until then either. I was just wondering if that little clown needed a friend down the line. Good info about the wrasse though.

I'll post a pic of that tank how it looks now once it looks beautiful. I'm too embarrassed to post one now! :)
Oh, you were referring to the clown, yes you can add another one...just make sure it's much larger or smaller than the one you already have. :)
Oh, you were referring to the clown, yes you can add another one...just make sure it's much larger or smaller than the one you already have. :)

Well, I did ask about both so I was confusing. ;) Okay, that sounds good. But I know it's a long way off! Thanks again.
I would totally add another one! I have a black and white and a regular orange and white clown in my tank and they are so fun to watch together. If you take care of them well, the blacks colors stick out so much. They really are cool. I took a leap of faith with my to wrasses. I have a yellow wrasse and a leopard wrasse and they do great together.
OH, post pics. That way we can all see it progress into a thing of beauty :) Plus, everyone is so encouraging it might actually help you along....
Thanks you guys! Okay, maybe we'll add another clown once we get the tank all cleaned up from the red algae. That could take quite awhile! But that would be a fun addition. Here are a couple of pics of the tank & the massive amount of rock! We just got a 90 gallon tank so we'll be putting some of it in there. We pick the tank up Thursday.


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I was honestly expecting it to look worse... it's not too bad!

I would, however, rehome those tangs. The standard for them is at least an eight foot tank.
Thanks! I think there is a bit more red algae since he took those pics. Boo!

So we are thinking of getting a 175 gal tank as their permanent home...but of course it won't be until this tank is ALL cleaned up and could be months & months. We're looking at a bowfront (but not completely sold) so they would have more room but not necessarily more length. Will these guys keep growing? He's had them for 5 years.
They will keep growing. They grow up to a foot in captivity, and their minimum tank size requirement is 180 gallons (but a 175 gallon is close enough and would be fine for them).
Okay cool! They will have a bit more room too once we get some of that rock out of there. And then they'll be in heaven when we get the 175 gal.

What do people usually do when they rehome fish? When we "got out of" the fish business before we had a friend who lived here who had a few saltwater tanks so we sold him everything. He ended up moving everything from Wyoming to Nevada! We gave all of our freshwater fish to the guy who owned our LFS at the time (it has since closed).
Yikes! I just read that they should really be in a 240 gallon, 8ft minimum tank! I can't believe I always see so many of them together in such smaller tanks! I'm glad you guys said something. So maybe we'll look at rehoming them. Any ideas? I've never rehomed fish before other than how I people we know. Now we don't know anybody "in fish".
You could sell them on here or another forum like this. You'll need to risk them to do it and likely have to ship them, but you could also end up making a little money.
Check out your LFS, they should be able to help.

Local reefing club is also a great place to start. Corals and such do okay for shipping, but I would keep fish local.
With fish, I would also advise keeping it local -- shipping them is expensive and stressful for them. Many stores will accept fish for store credit. I don't know where you live, but in larger metro areas there are lots of other hobbyists and livestock on Craig's List or local forums tend to go fast.
i have a pair of onyx clowns there black and white but have orange on them they were pretty expensive but well worth it they get long great with all my other fish:D