Could this be the culprit?


Reefing newb
I recently lost a clown and never found remains. I have an emerald crab, but also have a red crab that looks almost exactly like an emerald crab. I have attached a pic.

What is this? Is this crab a likely cause for the loss of the clown?


  • IMG_20120709_095135.jpg
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That looks like a red emerald crab (they do come in red :) ) but it is hard to tell from the picture. The best way to tell if a crab is a predator is by looking at their claws, they are pointy and sharp - its a predator. The predatory ones also tend to be very hairy. But, that being said, emerald crabs will go after fish if given the chance. All crabs are opportunistic predators in that way.
It does look like a red emerald crab. They come in all colors -- green, blue, white, red, brown, gray, etc, although any color but green is much more rare. When they get large enough, they have been known to go after fish opportunisitically. How big are your guys?
That is a Ruby Emerald Crab that is just like any crab an oppertunistic preadator.If your clown died perhaps it was eaten after it died? Because most crabs don't attack healty fish.
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After more careful inspection, it looks just like my emerald crab - pointy, hairy legs and all. I did not know they came in red. It is cool looking; I just don't want it eating my fish.

I was on vacation and when I got back I never found my clownfish. Someone else was taking care of the tank, but there is almost no maintenance beside feeding so I don't know what happened.

Thank you for taking time to identify my creature. I'm just going to leave him alone if he is like my emerald crab.