Anemone eating clown fish


Reefing newb
So i got a new anemone and got it home and afew days later my clown has started to host it. I noticed that it try to grab the clown and pull it in. I called the pet shop and asked if they had problems with it and they said yes. He said clowns in the same tank kept trying to host the anemone and the anemone kept eating them. Anyone have the same problem or know what i can do to fix this?
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get a proper anemone !

what exactly does "proper" mean ,

and yes like BL1 said what kind of anemone is it, some are more aggresive than others and do/will try to eat the clown or anything else that goes near them, carpet anemones is one that comes to mind
The first anemone that came to mind is the condy anemone. Clowns don't exist where those anemones live, so the anemone sees it as food, not a host. Can you post a pic of the anemone or tell us the type you bought.
Well here’s the thing to wife thought she would be sweet and get me one with out me knowing and she gets it home and it’s a Condylactis. I didn’t want to be a dick so I jut decided to put it away from everything. Once I saw it trying to eat the clown I took a different anemone and the clown and put it in a strainer at the top of the tank hoping that it would host this one instead. I’m open to any ideas until I can get rid of the condylactis.

I’m open to any ideas until I can get rid of the condylactis.

Research before you buy next time. ;) There are several types of anemones that will eat clowns and any other fish they can catch, and condy anemones do not naturally host clowns. Nothing much you can do except try to keep the anemone separated from the fish until you can return it.
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I've heard of other hobbyist doing the same thing, placing the anemone and clown together in hopes of them forming a relationship, and most of the time it woks, so good luck. Do you have a sump/refugium to place the condy in. And God bless your wifes heart for trying. My gf now knows not to buy anything for the tank without me being there because she learned the hard way about compatibility. :)
Yeah, you would need a light down there to support him. Or, you could place the condy in the container that the other anemone and clown is in, and release them(clown and anemone pair) back into the tank.
Well here’s the thing to wife thought she would be sweet and get me one with out me knowing and she gets it home and it’s a Condylactis. I didn’t want to be a dick so I jut decided to put it away from everything. Once I saw it trying to eat the clown I took a different anemone and the clown and put it in a strainer at the top of the tank hoping that it would host this one instead. I’m open to any ideas until I can get rid of the condylactis.

Here's the thing with this hobby:
Unless your spouse or family member is also an aquarium hobbyist or someone who understands your aquarium's dynamics, it saves you (and them) a lot of headache by politely letting them know not to get you any gifts for your aquarium.
Have them buy you something else.
Gift cards are just as bad unless you can use it at any store of your choice.

I know it sounds harsh, but there have been so many tragedies resulting from well-meaning people getting reefers gifts that resulted in a bad situation.
Here he is. Would anyone know what kind of anemone this is? It came when i got the tank DSC02803.webp
What!! really? iv had this sence it was the size of a quarter. I have a green bta in my 14 gallon but iv never seen one this color. Good to know tho made my day thanks.:D