Best place to buy?


Reef Junkie
Ok so I'm finally ready to start getting some kick ass corals for my 10 gallon and I was wondering what are your personal favorite places to buy corals online? Looking for places with good prices and decent shipping prices. I'm a little disappointed in my LFS's selection....
I live by Fort Campbell so I have been going to Pet Palace in Clarksville. My second choice would be Aquatic Critter in Nashville. I went there once and was VERY impressed but I was there getting freshwater fish for my 36 and don't remember too well what all they had salt water wise.
Also check out Pacific East Aquaculture. Samhaim got an order from them a few weeks ago that looked amazing!

I have no idea what the stores are like there, but in my area I started out buying online, then really explored all of the options around me and have found 1 place in particular (about an hour drive) that has really inexpensive corals that I've bought a lot from. I've also connected with a local reefer and gotten several frags from him. You might want to check out craigslist and see if there is anyone local selling frags. I've really had to shop around to find decent prices. The more you look, the better an idea you will get of what is well priced and what is not.

Have you thought about which corals you are starting with?
Yup, I ordered from Pacific east aquaculture about 2 months ago maybe and was very, very happy with them.
Another vendor I loved was Spike's corals. If you google that you should find the site.
In fact, here is a picture from yesterday of my gsp that I got from Pacific East Aquaculture, I bought a bigger colony, think it was around $30?
I am a picture maniac today!


  • gsp.JPG
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I'm looking for brightly colored corals of any any kind. Things that are pretty and stick out. My lfs has a couple kryptonite candy cane that I like but they are $30 and it only has 2 small heads on it. Is that overpriced?

I will check out the sites yall recommended!
I live by Fort Campbell so I have been going to Pet Palace in Clarksville. My second choice would be Aquatic Critter in Nashville. I went there once and was VERY impressed but I was there getting freshwater fish for my 36 and don't remember too well what all they had salt water wise.

Haha I used to live there when my brother was still in the 101st

I didnt read ALL the posts but like Wade said, depends on what your looking at buying and what your willing to shell out cash wise.


Divers Den

Shall i keep listing :D
I'm looking for brightly colored corals of any any kind. Things that are pretty and stick out. My lfs has a couple kryptonite candy cane that I like but they are $30 and it only has 2 small heads on it. Is that overpriced?

I will check out the sites yall recommended!

Candy canes should be about $5/head, give or take a few bucks depending on color.
eh don't feel bad , i don't that they are ripping off , but rather charging for something that is harder to find in your more local area.
I know my local pet store use to sell salt water fish and some corals , but since gave that up about 6 months before i started my tank. The few things that have left are hugely overpriced and no one would ever buy it because of that.
(a medium sized spotted grouper for like 300 bucks just because they have had it for 3 years.. and a lionfish for 200 because of a similar thing)

After looking around online and off , i've been lucky to find a person that every 4 -6 months sells some random frags about 20 minutes from me , and another that sells stuff once or twice a year about 25 minutes away.

As for stores , unless i drive 40 minutes , theres nothing.
Have you looked at craig's list to see if anyone is selling any frags? If you don't get murdered it might be a good way to get a deal and not have to shell out shipping.
Have you looked at craig's list to see if anyone is selling any frags? If you don't get murdered it might be a good way to get a deal and not have to shell out shipping.

Yes with no luck, there was a couple people selling frags and such a few weeks before I started my tank but I can't find them now...