Too many cardinals?

I think I screwed up. I've had 4 fish for a while now and decided while at the fish store that I loved the look of the banggai cardinals all hovering together. It said they did best in small groups so I got 3. I added them last night and haven't had the lights on yet to see how they will do but am now wondering if this was a good idea to add so many as some sites are now saying they will fight with each other. They are all small so I am hoping they are juveniles. Anyone have any experience?

Some tanks they'll do great.Others they'll fight.
The ones we have in the 380 at the LFS all get along fine with no aggression.They also seem to do alright in the 40 long displays,but they usually don't stay in those long.
+1 Yote

I've never had them but i want some. when I had my PJ's 1male 2females the male killed the females in a matter of a week. But yes I agree with Yote its all 50/50.
I love Banggaiis. I wish I had gotten more than 1. I've had my one since I first started the around 3 1/2 years. He was no bigger than a quarter. He's triple the size now :) The kids call him "Oh" because of his big mouth.
Thanks guys! I wish fish would quit being so wishy washy. If a description says they are a certain way, then they should act that way darn it! Hate how it's always a crapshoot. Guess that is part of the fun. :)
The banggai is such a cool looking fish, the more I looked at them over the last 6-9 months at the store, the more I wanted a bunch of them hanging out in my tank. I will watch for signs of aggression, though I can't imagine trying to catch and remove a fish from my tank.I can barely reach my midget arms in to move a coral and last time I started to slip and I grabbed the tank and almost pulled the whole stupid thing down with me. Sooo top heavy. The tank, not me.
Thanks guys! I wish fish would quit being so wishy washy. If a description says they are a certain way, then they should act that way darn it! Hate how it's always a crapshoot. Guess that is part of the fun. :)
The banggai is such a cool looking fish, the more I looked at them over the last 6-9 months at the store, the more I wanted a bunch of them hanging out in my tank. I will watch for signs of aggression, though I can't imagine trying to catch and remove a fish from my tank.I can barely reach my midget arms in to move a coral and last time I started to slip and I grabbed the tank and almost pulled the whole stupid thing down with me. Sooo top heavy. The tank, not me.

:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:hahaha:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: ok wade and Erin wheres the funny comment???

Yeah I did that once with my 50G I had. Well it fell off the stand and smashed all over the floor. This happened when I was setting it up I slipped off the step stool and caught the tank and brought it with me on my fall. Hand about 32g of water and a sand bed + rocks all over the place. Talk about a clean up that sucked... Well my friend I'm glad you and the tank are okay.
Yup, Sarah, though it's baaaaarely noticable. From the front you can hardly...ok, so you can totally tell, from every angle. Sigh. Girl, we are hot stuff this summer. Kurt! I can't believe that actually happened to you! You poor guy, that would be a a nightmare. I have such a mental image of you laying there amid the live rock and soggy carpet.
Cardinals hovering and exploring today. Very cool to watch, though I should be outside, it's a beautiful day.....
Yup, Sarah, though it's baaaaarely noticable. From the front you can hardly...ok, so you can totally tell, from every angle. Sigh. Girl, we are hot stuff this summer. Kurt! I can't believe that actually happened to you! You poor guy, that would be a a nightmare. I have such a mental image of you laying there amid the live rock and soggy carpet.
Cardinals hovering and exploring today. Very cool to watch, though I should be outside, it's a beautiful day.....

Yeah wet rubber pads on the steps & flipflops did not mix this lovely insadent happened when I lived in Hawaii. The worst part was it was a co-opp tank with my roommates. Killed that right quick.
The cardinals are doing awesome. They are always out and about and move around a lot more than I thought they would. At the store they just hover. They fit in well with the other fish and do great at holding their own against the flame and clown, which is a relief. Haven't seen any aggression amongst the 3 of them yet, though they only school together when the lights are off. Mostly they just all do their own thing.
I too love Banggai Cardinals.
At one time I had 6 of them in my 55gal tank and they were the only fish in the tank.
I got them as young, "medium" size fish.
Eventually one particular fish grew bigger than the rest and I guess this was a male and the rest were females.
I do not know if it was a male to begin with or somehow it changed into a male as it matured since there were no males in the group.
I have had them for a stretch of about 4 years and they have not been aggressive towards each other.
However, as each fish died I did not try to add a replacement cardinal for fear of the new guy getting bullied.

A couple of times I saw the big cardinal hold a brood in its mouth, but I did not know what to do so I left them in the tank. No babies ever showed up - at least none that I have seen swimming in the tank.
So glad I added these fish, very fun addition. Here are some pictures from yesterday. Still getting along with each other and get along well with my other fish.


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