Please help


Reefing newb
I am not sure if this is good or bad. I have a 29 gallon FOWLR right now. I only use RO water and my tanks stays pretty clean. It has been set up for 6 months. I am currently seeing some red and green color algae on my rocks. It is hard i will attach some pictures. Please tell me if this is good or bad and what to do.

Thanks in advance


  • alge problem.jpg
    alge problem.jpg
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  • alge problem 2.jpg
    alge problem 2.jpg
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Thanks for the advice. I also had my water checked and every thing was good i was told by my lfs.I need to get a test kit just havent got around to it yet.
The first pic looks like coraline, but the big rock near the top that is covered in dark red looks more like cyano. Hard to tell from a picture. If it feels slimy then its bad, if it feels hard and encrusted then it's coralline and good. If its cyano, then try to suck as much as you can out and try to increase your flow in that area. Also, if its cyano, then we'll need a little more information about your water parameters (post actual numbers instead of "good") and lighting in order to give you good advice!
the dark red rock in the right side did feel slimy. As dumb as this sounds i don know the water exactly I dont have the ability right now to test my water. I have the local fish store do it right now about twice a week. As for as light its a basic 24" light for t8 with a saltwater 10k light. It is on from 9am till 10pm at night.