Refugium Sump


Reefing newb
Yikes researching can give you a headache.

So I just upgraded my 55 gallon to a 135:^: looks amazing. So now I'm going to turn my 55 gal into a refug. The 135 gal I got (used) already has bulk heads and two overflow boxes (think that's what they are called). So I have two hoses out, two hoses in.

I found this basic refug on the forums (See picture). But this doesn't seem like it would be enough.

I haven't purchased anything yet. The refug will go under the stand. This is for a Reef Tank. My tank is currently running on a Rena Filstar XP 3.

Should I add extra chambers? What should I put in the chambers? Is a protein skimmer a must or something I should get anyways?

Any additional advice or opinions is welcomed with open arms, if I left anything pertinent out let me know.


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It looks good -- that is probably the most basic and simple design for a sump. Most people have the protein skimmer in the first chamber, and the refugium in the second chamber, just so the refugium isn't getting hammered by the incoming water constantly. A protein skimmer isn't necessary, but it sure is helpful.
if you are going to make a refugium in the center you will need to put two baffles on the first side and like Biff said, make it wide enough to hold the skimmer( either if you get it now or in the future, I also would reccomend getting one). the first baffle you want the water to go under,The second baffle will be the height your refugium will be then after the refugium your first baffle will be that same height then go under the second baffle on that end then over the third, the height of the third baffle will be the height of the return pump chamber..
You don't have to have a bubble trap (extra baffle) in between the skimmer section and the fuge section. As long as you have one before the return pump, you will be fine.
i would put the skimmer in the first chamber and a fuge in the middle with live rock and macroalgae. with bubble traps on both sides of the fuge. also make sure u can fit ur heater down there.