Refugium Help!


Reefing newb
Hey guys!!! Looking to set up a ten gallon refugium for my 55 gallon tank and I need some help on how to build the thing! Such as the baffles size and just some helpful tips. Looking to set it up next to the display tank. Not over. Not under. Next to it. Any ideas? Tips?
My best tip is to make sure your baffles are thick! Otherwise they will bend and come undone. I just watched a bunch of youtube videos and went from there. They also suggest you use the same material for the baffles that the tank is. For example, if your fuge is glass use glass baffles, if your fuge is acrylic use acrylic. Just be careful with glass because it can break easily while handling it.

Also just make sure you use "aquarium safe" silicon. It can be found at petco, pet smart, or most any hardware store. I found mine at lowes. Good luck!
whats up i builded one useing a 75 gallon tank here a pic
I just built one yesterday and hope to have it running tomorrow. If the tank is glass buy 1/4" glass baffles w/GE silicone 2. Make sure the silicone doesn't have anything about mildew on it. My 55 will have a CPR over flow draining down to the 20 refuge, pumped up to the 40 that I drilled, which will drain back to the 55.

refuge is on the bottom left.


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