New Pistol Shrimp


Reefing newb
Just got a new pistol shrimp to pair with my yellow watchmen goby yesterday.

They paired up within about 30 seconds! The shrimp got to digging tunnels within about 5 minutes. It's crazy! The bad part is that i came home today and can't see the goby or the shrimp... haha.

They add a cool dynamic to my nano anyways :)
They goby had already been in there for a few weeks at least. He had his home under a little cave in my live rock. I just temperature acclimated the shrimp yesterday for about 15 minutes.
Im not sure if the shrimp will make it, they are very sensitivity. Fish and inverts should always be acclimated to both the temp and salinity over the period of at least an hour.
My pistol shrimp and watchman goby hid for a few weeks towards the back of my tank and I almost never saw them... I think once the watchman found out that the only way to get food is to be at the front, they moved to front row seats and haven't moved since.. when I feed the pistol and goby with a turkey baster, both of them try to reach inside it to get the food out... it's pretty neat.

I never thought they were going to come to the front of the tank, but eventually they did and yours probably will too with time. Good luck and congrats
Mine live in the same home but obviously dont like eachother....its like they both have that dominate behavior. Watchman is basically like on go ahead watch for yourself see how much gets done...its a love hate relationship.....yes i figured this out by hours of observation....dont question me im a stoner lmfao
My pistol shrimp is like 3 years old. I never see him unless I look from under the tank hehehe....once in a while I hear him snapping, or I'll see his antennae poking out, and even rarely still, I'll see him pushing sand out of his cave. He used to be paired with a goby, also, when I first got him, but the goby died.
Here's a pic I just took. They've got about 3 different exits under their rock now. :D


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