To keep or not to keep my BTA?


Reefing newb
So my BTA that I got this Sunday has been opening and closing a bit. But as of now he is fully open, looks great and everything.I'm still concerned because I'm pretty sure my lighting isn't adequate, and I believe my 10g nano is too small to support him.

The only thing reason I might keep him is because I might upgrade to a 30-50 gallon tank in a few months.

I have a lady who is interested in trading my BTA for some zoas. What does everyone think?

(I've attached a picture, the BTA is hidden behind the xenia on the left. It has moved to the pump intake and seems to like it there).


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I would trade for the zoas. Nems dont do very in new tanks, especially if they lack proper lighting, and if they die they can nuke your whole tank.

But I do really like your aquascape!
Did you get your BTA so your clownfish would host it? or, did you get it because its interesting looking? Are your clownfish tank bred or wild caught? I was told by the owner of Ocean Blue here in Orange the other day (when I was buying more lighting for my tank) that if your clownfish are tank bred they arent going to know what to do with an aneneme because they've never seen one, while wild caught clownfish would be more likley to because they've been around them. Don't know if thats true or not but it sounds like common sense to me.

The only reason I got my BTA is for my clownfish to host itl. Im thinking of finding a new home for mine because I find myself constantly worriing about if he's gong to be in the same spot or what he's going to do. He's doing fine at the top of my tank and likes the new lighting. They look really pretty in tanks but the clownfish thing hosting them is what they're popular for. ?

Exactly what else is a BTA good for in a tank? What do they cntribute that is positive?
Yeah, there's no difference between wild caught or tank raised clowns hosting an anemone. Clowns will host anything in the tank -- heaters, powerheads, corals, anemones, algae, rocks. And some clowns will host nothing. Hosting is instinctive to them, and where they were born does not erase those instincts.

In any case, I would agree with everyone else. Get rid of the BTA for now, and later on when your tank is better prepared for one, you can always try again.
Alright guys and gals.. thanks. I am going to see what I can trade the BTA for. I already have 3-4 tiny zoa frags throughout my tank, but I can't keep the little boogers pinned down to my live rock like I want them.

Hopefully I can trade this BTA for a good chunk of zoa.
I have heard that.. but if I apply the super glue outside the water, will it still be effective as long as I quickly plunge the zoa down onto the rock?
Not totally sure what you are asking, but yes you can apply the glue out of water and then place in the tank. It helps if you use the gel form, let it set up for a few minutes outside of the tank and use LOTS of glue. If at least 3 of your fingers arent stuck together, you didnt use enough glue.
I thouht I was doing it wrong because my fingers were stuck together. Im thinking at the time there has to be a better way of doing this. But Id rather glue than sew or rubberband them. I have a .......I think its a Kenya Tree coral that I got from LA in a beginner pack. Its a violet color and when it opens the polyps are brown. Well, I need to decide on the right spot for it very soon, & Im not looking forward to the gluing.

Oh, & where do I get the CoralRxoneshot again please?
I myself have given up on super glue, i use the two part reef epoxy for setting coral frags on my rocks. You can get it from places like BRS or Fosters and Smith