New green bubble tip


Reefing newb
So reefs2go had green bubble tips on sale and I had a credit. So I got a GBT and 2 green Ric. Well I Drip acclimated both corals for two and half hours. I placed the GBT up towards top. Now the green bubble tip is getting white dots along the tentacles. I heard when they turn white it's due to zooanthllen. Could it be that's it's to close to lights and it's bleachIng it. Or is this common for a new one to do??
Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Salinity 1.026
P.h 8.0
Alk 8
Calcium. 420
Phos 0
Nitrate 0
Will post pics when wife gets home
so here some pictures


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You probably put it too high too soon. Start corals out on the bottom and slowly move them up. You must "light acclimate corals" also!
Should I just cut the light cycle for a few days. Maybe start with four hours and slowly ramp it up. I have 30" 4 bulb t-5 ho fixture. Then try like an hour every three days till I'm back to my 7.5 hours of daylight?

My current cycle 10 a.m --- 11 p.m atinnics
12 p.m --- 7:30 p.m daylights
Well I have done some research, anD possibly it may be due to stress and the algae in its body! I cut the day lights off and I'm gonna slowly up the time to the normal hours! So any suggestions
That sounds like a good plan. I can't tell cause I'm on my phone but the nem doesn't look like its in rough shape. And if it does start going down hill, you'll notice it and have time to pull it out.
Thanks BL1!!!! The atinnics have been on for 2-3 hours now! It's looks a Lil better already! All the tenacles have deflated and it looks like a flat worm waving around.
That's not totally unnormal for a new anemone. They are basically just big bags of water. A lot of times they'll deflate like that to get rid of the old dirty water from the transport bag. Also, you'll notice after a while of having it that they will deflate from time to time for no reason at all.
Thank u so much!! I haven't panicked yet.... I was getting there but not now! I knew they shrunk sometimes like when pooping. Just haven't seen my neighbors like this. I'll give it some time and keep u updated. Thanks again
It could have been too much light or just stress from being moved into a new tank ... No way to be 100% either way.
If it is attached to the rocks already, leave it where it's at and follow your plan of gradually increasing the lighting. You don't want to mess with it once it's attached.
I'm not sure about those white spots on your GBT,but from what I've seen at the LFS,they don't seem to bother the nem. Nearly every time we get in new BTA's,they'll get those spots.But they tend to go away almost as quick as they show up.
Well I have had it in the tank for 3 days now and the white spots are still on the nem! I cut the light cycle back to 4 hrs daylight! So Im hoping everything's ok. I feed it a few small chunks of shrimp and some mysis. He hasn't moved at all. Still in same spot I set him.