onyx percula


Reefing newb
Just paid for a black onyx percula clown....cant wait to bring it home and share pics! Already have a beaded anem, but my anemone shrimp has already claimed it. Planning on getting a hammer or torch coral for the shrimp when i bring home the clown, as I'm sure the clown will have the shrimp evicted if he decides to host the anemone :D pics soon
The beaded nem isn't a natural host for percula clowns so chances are they won't even notice it .... But, I think it's cooler with the shrimp anyway :Cheers:
Ive had a clown host a condy anem before so stranger things have happened. Told myself i wouldnt get another amemone just because they dont live nearly as long in captivity as they do in the wild, but the shrimp seems happy so...
Nothing in our tanks will live nearly as long but, there are some captive anemones going 15+ years in captivity.
Took back the anemone because when I posted pics, everyone said it should NOT be white :/ Although I have seen white anems at the lfs, I never bought one so I mistakenly assumed it was ok. He seemed alright at first, but two days after I bought him he was on the floor of the tank not attatched to anything (not a good sign). So to be safe I took him back. I really want a rbt anem anyway so i guess I'll save up for one.
One a brighter note, I finally got my onyx perc! Here's a pic :D This is the best one, obviously he wont sit still and my camera doesnt want to cooperate


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I wanted a pair, but they only had one :'( . I still want to find another unique perc, like maybe a picasso, but i need to hurry up before the onyx gets territorial. Anyone know where i can get one for a decent price?
Wow, looking at some of the prices on that site, all I have to say is that I feel incredibly lucky to have snagged my beautifully marked domino clown pair for $85!!