leaky sump


Time to add some coral!
Hey guys. After much investigation, I found that my Amiracle sump is leaking. It is leaking right where the pump out is (see pic). I was wondering how to fix this. I was thinking just put some silicone on it? any thought?



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I would try to check the gasket first. Because I built my own sump I would say you can use silicone. Try to put it on the inside of the sump, Make sure its dry!!! It is possible to do but putting the silicone on the outside will sometimes allow the leak to continue. Just my experience.
If the sump is drained and empty, it would be best to totally disassemble the bulk head, clean the glass really well, then see if you can find another gasket the right size.
I have an Americal sump and mine leaked at the input. The black gaskets were old and cracked. I went to Lowe to the plumbing section and bought a square piece of rubber to make my own gaskets. I also used silicone upon assembly. Like what's been stated, make sure it's dry before you add water again.