Hundreds of little coral horns growing all over my tank


Reefing newb
Hello all, hopefully someone can give me an answer of what these little horn looking things are growing all over my tank. There are literally hundreds of them everywhere on my rocks and some even on my larger snails.... weird.

The base at where they are connected are kind of spirally with one long horn shooting out. One of my smaller coral frags has probably 12 on it alone so I am assuming that these are some sort of coral but I don't know for sure.

Are these good or bad to have everywhere?

Thanks for the help.


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They are Vermetid snails. They are sessile and harmless. Take a turkey baster and blast your rock and stir up as much detritus and particles as you can. The Vermetids will release their little fishing line and pull in the crud and eat it. Its kind of interesting to watch.
Are they stationary or will they move around? Will they stay in the same spot forever? They just look creepy and there are SOOOOOO many of them!
They are stationary. Like I said... feel free to super glue them. The tiny ones I had in my tank I just squished with my nails. They're harmless but slightly annoying.
Yea that's what mine do too with their strings. I figured they were capturing stuff to eat. I haven't watched them long enough to see them pull it in. Pretty cool tho. I like them, it adds more life to the tank.