DIYMetal Halide install, or buy new fixture


newbie reefer
I just got this 20 gallon tank and it came with a 50/50 duel bulb Power Compact fixture. Would this be ok with soft corals? If you look at this fixture it looks as if I could install a Metal Halide ballast and bulb??


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It does appear as though you could gut it, and install something like a Retro MH kit into it. I wouldn't mount the ballast inside it though.
If you do retrofit that hood into a MH fixture you're going to want it raised up off the tank. It's going to cause too much heat if you don't get any air flow under it.
Nope, all MH fixtures have fans in them otherwise they'd quickly overheat. But, even still you'll want at least 4 inches between the fixture and top of your tank.
It's an all metal fixture, I'm not sure how old it is or anything. I'm going to have to look into a T5 conversion. You think it would even be beneficial to keep the PC's in there too? It almost sounds more hassle than its worth, but i haven't researched anything yet.