Justin's 37 Gallon Tank Thread


Reefing newb
So I am finally starting my 37 after a few months of saving. I got my rocks from reefreocks.net and am very pleased with the product. I had a friend that had a 90 gallon corner tank that gave me his sump, protien skimmer, heater, ro/di water system. I am going to buy two new korilia's this weekend and start this puppy up.
I am getting the new 12 Volt korilia's that way in the future I can switch them to a wave maker. I have to pictures i will be posting and I will post up video of the start-up of the tank and see what you all think of my aqua scaping
Pic#1 Tank when I first got it.
Pic#2 Rocks I bought
Pic#3 Tank after being painted, glass and stand
Pic#4 Sump and protien skimmer
Pic#5 Ro/Di sytem in laundry room
Pic#6 Storage tank that leads to my sump

Well for some reason I am getting an ERROR MESSAGE!!!
Say internal error. DOnt know what that means not to computer smart.
So soon as I can upload somepices I will
Your pics may have been too large to upload on the site. If you use a site like photobucket it'll make it much easier to post pics.
Figured i woulld help ya out

Tank when he first got it:


Tank when he painted and finish restoring:


Rocks he bought:


Storage tank that leads to his sump:


RO/DI system:


Sump and bits:

i have the same skimmer, word of advice, the adjustment tube can begin to "stick" over time with buildup of coraline and other growths so rotate it frequently when you empty the waste bucket otherwise it may get stuck once or twice like mine did. it was a pain to undo and i regret not getting the reef octopus skimmer afterwards since they were the same price... Side note, the skimmer does work great and pulls lots of filth from the water so it will definitely do the trick for you ;D
So I Put water and rocks,and sand in it today. I wll take pictures when its cleaner.
I'm so excited... :^:


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Yeah it sure does. After all the wait it is starting to pay off. It was clear when I woke up and the power head fell and stirred all the sand up again so I'm waiting again. Soon as it clears up I'll post more pics.
So the first pic is as of yesterday, second one is from this morning. I am gonna get probably another twenty pounds of rock. My sand bed took away from the bottom pieces. So i will add more this weekend.


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So the first pic is as of yesterday, second one is from this morning. I am gonna get probably another twenty pounds of rock. My sand bed took away from the bottom pieces. So i will add more this weekend.

make sure the rock is sitting on the glass otherwise you could have an avalanche of rocks if a fish or snail was to move some sand around.
It is. I got really heavy pieces in the back to hold everything together. I planning on adding just two or three more big pieces to fill in on the back wall and maybe a few in front of the return