How much to feed my brain coral


Time to add some coral!
Hey all,

First of all, thank you all so much for helping me, this forum has single handedly made my tank safe and happy! I am a noob when it comes to reefing. My question for this thread is, I just got my first coral (a liverock hitchiker) and I believe it is a pineapple brain coral. I fed him for the first time today with a turkey baster and some Ron's food (LFS suggested it). He ate it right up and is looking better today than I have ever seen him. He is nice and loose and open. My question is how often should I feed him this way? Once a day? Week? Month? Thanks guys this forum is amazing!


PS I'll post some pics tonight of the coral!
Here's a pic!


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A few times a week should be sufficient, they're photosynthetic so technically I do not believe they need to be fed. That being said, they will grow faster if fed. I'm sure others that actually have brain corals will chime in
correct brains are photosynthethic so really you dont need to hand feed them, at night tentacles come out and catch some stuff, if you wanna feed it then would be the time , but dont force it if it doesnt wanna eat it wont grab the food, i have two beautiful ones a green one and a pink one, both hosted my maroon clown , i recently (month) fragged my green one to remove all the dying (cyano infested) areas and even thiought i did it slopy(bone cutters) the brain is doing great and comes out completely

green open brain fragged

feeding green brain

pink brain

+1 jc i feed my brains acans and other sps and nem everyday. i get a little of the mysis juice from unfreezing the pour a little in to get their tentacles to come out and feed 30-45 mins later
I am a huge advocate of feeding corals in my tanks. I target feed my LPS corals thawed and rinsed frozen mysis in the evenings once per week. I feed the rest of my tank 2-3 times per week alternating with mysis, frozen cyclops, Tropic Marin Reef Snow, Pro-Coral Phyton and TM Pro-Coral Zooton.
A few times a week should be sufficient, they're photosynthetic so technically I do not believe they need to be fed. That being said, they will grow faster if fed. I'm sure others that actually have brain corals will chime in

It depends on the coral. I've seen some corals slowly whither and die if not fed and I've seen others grow without ever being fed and yet others are fine but will only grow if fed.

Feed it a small amount 2 or 3 times a week.