Frag tank next to sump

Just a thought but why not run from DT to sump then from return to frag then to DT again.. im thinking this might give the frags some really clean water and perhaps boost their growth? Im not sure if this logic holds any truth, but perhaps...
Because it would be harder two get two pumps to pump exactly the same speed with different head heights. It's easier to have one overflow into the other because my overflow only goes the speed that my return pump goes. Also, and I'm not sure either, but dirty water has food for corals.
to me you would want the water from your frag tank dumping into the same chamber your main tank does so it can work its way through the chaeto also.. and I have done a seperate refugium the same way as that setup and it did work very well and now I have an overflow running from my seperate refugium into the the sump, seems to work really well the overflow if your tank is close enough will fit from one tank to another without any piping needed...
heres a quick pic of what it looks like sorry took it quick with my phone..


  • sump.jpg
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Yea i get that. I'd rather have piping though so I don't have to deal with another siphon. I did think about reorganizing my chambers
when I first set it up I had drilled the tank and ran piping and it worked fine that way, when I changed the refugium I didnt want to drill another tank that was all..:D
What I'll probably end up doing is using acrylic, or a cost effective plastic bin of some sort from the store. Either way I'll be able to drill it no problem.
Here's what i have. I know it's not big but, with a few racks in my DT plus it, I should be able to keep a decent amount of frags.



Also I have not made the lighting yet.