lol, my first 3 corals!

clownfish cj

Reefing newb
Here are some pics of my first 3 corals! I got 1 purple tip frogspawn, and 2 different colored zoanthids. I am also going to get a green bubble tip anenome in 3 days for my to clowns!


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roughly a year. Thats just a rule of thumb a little shorter sometimes , others longer. It never hurts to wait just to be sure.
You don't have to get an anemone for your clowns to host, there are lots of other places that clowns will make home. I would hold off on the nem.
My clown fish loves my frogspawn why dont you just wait on the nem and try some different corals and see if he likes any of those first?
thanks everyone! I am going to wait for a while before I try a nem. My LFS owner was also saying a xenia works good to. In fact, he has 2 claarki clowns hosting his.

My frogspawn really opened up today, it is probably twice as big as the picture I posted yesterday.

Are these corals good for placing in the middle of the tank? I have 4 T5's.