Anemone Okay?


Reefing newb
can someone tell me if this anemone is looking alright. It keeps deflating 2 or 3 times a day. Thanks Guys


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It looks kinda bleached. What kind of light are you using? What are your water parameters? Anemones do inflate and deflate, but not that often...
I was told it was rbta, they had a few this was the only one with those colors. came on same shipment with 6 others. They were more green to brown in color. the LFS only had a few left. Has stayed put however without any movement. One of my clowns has snuggled it a few times but my damsel seems more protective. What do you mean bleached?
The anemone looks white, that's not normal for an anemone. If that's an RBTA, it should be a red color. Your lighting is kind of on the low side for an anemone. It will need supplemental feedings of meaty foods until it gets its coloring back.
I was told it was more rare, and that this one resides in shallower waters than the brown, green, colors. What do you you recommend to supplement its diet?
I was told it was more rare, and that this one resides in shallower waters than the brown, green, colors. What do you you recommend to supplement its diet?

That's probably just a lie to sell you an unhealthy anemone. You can feed small pieces of shrimp and fish.
Sucks I really like that LFS to. They have some exotic stuff. That's why I took the chance on it. Is that possibly why my clowns are acting weird with it. Thanks for yalls help
I wouldn't say rare but, RBTAs usually cost more than the green/brown variants. No anemone in the wild is ever that color though, that's just a sign of a very unhealthy one. Krill, mysis, brine, squid any thing meaty is good to feed him.

I don't think your clowns are acting weird because it's not healthy, clowns are just weird and act funny normally.
Other than the color, it looks healthy, so there's a good chance it will recover in time. There is no guarantee that your clowns would host any anemone though -- some clowns never show any interest in anemones and instead choose to hose powerheads or heaters!
I don't know much about anemones, but I know they seem to always be different. Mine crawls around my tank at a very fast pace, deflates to a little nubb and then inflates to be almost full grown. Mine tends to be brownish in tint. Unfortunately I have a Condy and I can imagine his behavior isn't indicative of yours.
Teg, your post worried me. If it is moving around quickly and is doing it often you have a probably. Your anemone is not happy, mine hasnt moved for about 6 months and shifts when it has a flow change
The RBTA, is doing about the same. Some days he will deflate 2 or 3 times, and some days I never see him deflate at all. He is still the same in coloring, as far as looking bleached. My clowns aren't really interested in him. He has stayed put the whole time though. I'll just have to keep a close eye on him.
I don't know much about anemones, but I know they seem to always be different. Mine crawls around my tank at a very fast pace, deflates to a little nubb and then inflates to be almost full grown. Mine tends to be brownish in tint. Unfortunately I have a Condy and I can imagine his behavior isn't indicative of yours.

A moving anemone is an unhappy anemone -- it is looking for something in your tank that it's not getting. If healthy, an anemone should stay put and not wander.
He's only been in my tank for a week so I think he's finding a good spot still. My water flow changed also. Soooooooo I bought a larger tank and I am putting that together for him next week when all the parts arrive.
+1 little fish, if he doesnt settle after another week, you should take him back and wait till your tank is under control