Reefing newb
I have been watching my Emperor, and the color change is half way to adult. I notice spots (not like ich), looks like loss of coloration that is everywhere on this fish in dots that look the size of a BB. The dots aren't raised at all. I am wondering if this is part of the transformation procrss - or if this fish is diseased. I can say all the other fish look well, Hype, sailfin, all my reef safe fish are great. The angel is in a 90G cube with a puffer and they are so young they have enough space until the 220 is up and connected. My main reef sump supplies their water so my system is all using the same water, basically making my tank 150G + 90 + 40 + 20. If it is a disease great - now my main reef shares parasite. It is just I have never seen spotted color loss this significant. 36W UV, mag good, ph 8.2 - dkh10, and no ammonia or nitrite, a tad of trate - cal= 460. Please help before it's too late. Have I dropped the ball on something? Appetite Rod's Reef and is eating well 2 times a day with circulation pump turned off. I sure hope this is the color change - but I have to say , out of all the fishes that I have seen it is not attractive to sight and looks like he's sick. He is acting stress free though.